W.E. Lusain Funeral Homes

629 Goldwire Way SW, Bham, AL 35211
(2 Blocks from Elmwood Cemetery)
Birmingham: (205) 900-8334

3974 Lorna Rd, Hoover AL 35244
(In Riverchase near the Cahaba River)

Our $4K Premium Funeral Includes:
- Transport to Funeral Home
- Embalming, Dressing, and Cosmetics
- Basic Services of our Staff
- 2Hr Viewing & Service
(same day)
- MB Sprinter Hearse
- Memorial Register Book

- 150 Funeral Programs
- Funeral Escort to Graveside Service
- Includes the Lincoln Casket
- Includes a Casket Spray

Other Optional Items:
- Family Shuttle (10 Passengers) - $500
- Visitation the night before - $500/hr (2 hr min.)
- Saturday Funerals - $500/hr (2 hr min.)
- Premium Programs - must be quoted
- Flower Arrangements - must be quoted
- Oversized Caskets must be quoted
- Cemetery Fees - not included



- Avondale Repast Center in Midfield, AL
(no affiliation)

$750 Casket Upgrades: (Click here for videos):

$2000 Casket Upgrades: (Click here for videos):

Solid Cherry Upgrade

Solid Mahogany Upgrade


Our Fleet Includes Mercedes-Benz Sprinters: